Try checking out the FAQs in the sidebar under DC590+ Series to see if your issue has any write ups on it from an applications engineer.
Do you have the proper monitoring devices if relevant to the issue (Oscilloscope, current clamp, etc?)
Are you able to narrow the issue down to one part of the machine?
Have you tried swapping hardware if pertinent?
Is one side of the machine working but another not?
Is the drive getting proper signals from external sources? (Potentiometer, PLC, contactors, power supply, etc)
Example: Questions for a drive that does not want to start running from a fieldbus command would be:
Is your PLC sending the proper control and status words?
If so, is the drive accepting those parameters as viewable within DSELite?
If further yes, then the issue may be programming logic not executing properly or you are missing various bits to send.
If your PLC was not sending proper control and status words to begin with, check the PLC code.
Use the DSELite software to view your programming. DSELite has Help files at the top of the window and within every function block to understand your specific programming and how it is executing.
If no fault are on the keypad or in DSELite but you are getting unwanted behavior, you can extract the project file and then view it Online to see changes in real time with software debugging tools; or view how your specific machine's parameters are designed to interact.
What Software and Communication Cable are used for Programming?
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