For fixed assignment, these are listed in the help file (search 'x12' to find the Digital inputs/outputs (plug x12) page). O0 is No Error, O1 Position/speed/gear synchronization reached, O2 Power stage without current, O3 axis energized with setpoint of 0. I0 is a Quit (error acknowledgement) on the rising edge and Axis Enable. When I0 is disabled, it will decelerate the motor, hold current for the brake engage set time and then disable the amplifier. I1 is a No Stop (has to be turned on for motion). Jog+ and Jog- are I2 and I3.
With serial control, Control Word1 [1100.3] controls the C3 I12T11 and StatusWord1 [1000.3] gives C3 status.
Microsoft no longer include Hyperterminal with Windows after XP. For Win7 and Win10, free terminal programs can be used such as Putty.
Here's also a free example showing VisualBasic 6 control of I12T11:
I12T11_RS232_VB.zip 17K I12T11 Visual Basic interface via RS232.
Xpress Examples:
5/8/12 jh
12/3/19 jh Added win10 notes