Product | C2 Connector Part Number | Available for Purchase? | Quantity per Drive | Description | Function | PCD Part No. | OST Part No. |
AR-01xx, 02, 04, 08, 13 | 43-021069-01 | Yes | 1 | CONN,7P,PLUG,.200,BLK,FLNG,MNT | MAINS POWER | NON-ROHS: ELFP07210E | ROHS: OSTTJ075102 |
AR-01xx, 02, 04, 08, 13 | 43-021068-01 | Yes | 1 | CONN,6P,PLUG,.200,BLK,FLNGE MNT | MOTOR POWER | NON-ROHS: ELFP06210E | ROHS: OSTTJ065102 |
Note: Aries UG rev G notes the vendor p/n for the 6pin connector incorrectly as the same as the 7pin vendor p/n.
11/3/15jh updated to OST RoHS