You can program a 6000 product to read the TM8 thumbwheel switch as two four-digit numbers.
Example: TM8 setting 50005000 ;VAR1=50005000 load TM8 setting VAR2=VAR1/10000 ;VAR2=5000.5000 VARB1=VCVT(VAR2) ;convert VAR2 to a binary number(the binary conversion drops everthing to the right of decimal). VAR3=VCVT(VARB1) ;convert VARB1 to a decimel number. ;VAR3=5000 this is the 4 MSDs of the TM8. VAR4=VAR2-VAR3 ;VAR4=.5000 VAR5=VAR4*10000 ;VAR5=5000 this is the 4 LSDs of the TM8.