NOTE: Because of how long ago the TQ10 was discontinued, finding a direct replacement can be difficult. The Aries drive described in this article has itself now been discontinued. If upgrading a system that uses a TQ10, consider contacting us via the to find a solution that fits your needs.
This discussion can be found in updated and expanded form in Technical Bulletin #438.
TQ10/TQ10SD/TQ10X was a trapezoidal drive, using the hall-effect sensors to close the torque loop of the motor (6 states per electrical cycle).
If the application is using an encoder feedback, the Aries amplifier is the recommended replacement for the TQ10 amplifier. For the TQ10 which was 5A continuous/10A peak current, the AR08AE is suggested as the replacement and is rated at 4.5A RMS continuous/13.5A RMS peak. For the older TQ10SD, use the AR08SE.
By default, the Aries drive will use the encoder feedback to close the torque loop (sinusoidally driven; i.e. with a 2000line encoder this gives 8000pulses per revolution of the motor). This gives less ripple output from the motor shaft and higher servo bandwidths. There are encoder through-puts on the Aries drive to run the feedback to the controller. If the machine cannot run the encoder feedback into the Aries, OHALL1 turns the Aries to trapezoidal commutation instead of sinusoidal. It's a good idea to set SFB2 when you do this. This would give similar trapezoidal performance as the TQ10. With the TQ connector option on the motors however, the hall-effect sensors are in with the motor phases, making them more susceptible to induced electrical noise. Note: OHALL1 will only work in torque mode; it will not work for velocity or position (ARxxSE) modes. For velocity or position modes, the encoder feedback needs to be connected to the Aries amplifier.
For the TQ10X which was a programmable drive/controller, the ViX500IE or the Gemini GV6 are the suggested replacements. The ViX drive will offer a similar X-based programming language, but is a DC power input product. The GV6 will offer an AC power input, but is programmed in 6K language rather than an X-based language.
As with all replacement situations, the application requirements must be carefully considered to ensure that the suggested replacement product will be suitable for the application. Please contact your local Parker ATC to discuss or Applications Engineering.