P Series Drives - Indexer Version - Analogue Mode or Step & Direction (Pulse) Mode Sample Configurations & Notes for ACR9000 and ACR7000 Controllers

The ACR9000 and ACR7000 controllers can control the Pseries drive in both analog torque mode and step & direction mode.

The auto-tuning of the Pseries and Drive Support Tool software are newest generation with one-click tuning and advanced graphics & tools. We recommend Step & Direction mode with the Pseries to leverage the Pdrive's advanced tuning.


Only a few parameters actually need to be changed for configuring the Pseries drive (PD-xxP) :



    Step & Direction:  Pseries_Snippet_StepDir_18bit.txt

    Analog:  Pseries_Snippet_PseriesMotors_Analog.txt


     Step & Direction:  Pseries_Snippet_StepDir_19bit.txt

     Analog:  Pseries_Snippet_PseriesMotors_Analog.txt


      Step & Direction:  Pseries_Snippet_StepDir_20bit.txt


BE motor with J encoder, MPP/MPJ/MPW with 1E encoder:

     Step & Direction:  Pseries_Snippet_StepDir_8000.txt

     Analog:  Pseries_Snippet_Analog_8000.txt


SM motor with E encoder:

     Step & Direction:  Pseries_Snippet_StepDir_4000.txt

     Analog:  Pseries_Snippet_Analog_4000.txt


IForce with 5um Linear Encoder:

     Step & Direction:  Pseries_Snippet_StepDir_110_210_310_5um.txt

     Step & Direction:  Pseries_Snippet_StepDir_410_5um.txt

     Analog:  Pseries_Snippet_Analog_110_210_310_5um.txt

    Analog:  Pseries_Snippet_Analog_410_5um.txt

Ripped with 5um Linear Encoder:

     Step & Direction:  Pseries_Snippet_StepDir_R7_5um.txt

     Step & Direction:  Pseries_Snippet_StepDir_R10_R16_5um.txt

     Analog:  Pseries_Snippet_Analog_R7_5um.txt

    Analog:  Pseries_Snippet_Analog_R10_R16_5um.txt

For limiting current to the motor, these objects can be used (in 0.1 of a % so 300 is 30%):

     0x2111,0x0,External Positive Torque Limit Value,300
     0x2112,0x0,External Negative Torque Limit Value,300   




File with full drive configurations:

Sample configuration files for Pseries drives with Pseries motors with ACR9000 & ACR7000:









Note as the Pseries encoders are a smart encoder, if you load these files, the smart encoder will tell the drive which motor is connected so no changes to the motor type are needed, just select the correct frame size. These can be loaded in the Pseries with the Drive Support Tool in Object Dictionary > Load From File.


Sample configuration files for Pseries drives with SM series motors with E encoder (4000ppr) with ACR9000 & ACR7000:



Sample configuration files for Pseries drives with BE series motors with J encoder or MPP/MPJ with 1E encoder (8000ppr) with ACR9000 & ACR7000:



The above SM/BE/MPP/MPJ series files do not include motor data. After loading the above files, then load the motor file (and then do a Save to Memory and Soft Reset).

 Related FAQ: P Series Drives with MPP/BE/SM/J/N servo motors, mSR/LXR/110/210/310/410/T1/T2/T3/T4 Linear Motor Stages



Analog Torque Mode Notes

The default encoder resolution in ACR-View's encoder resolution is 10,000 pulses per rev and above PM-FxL files have the encoder output set to 10,000.

The object Speed Limit Value at Torque Control Mode 0x230E default is 1000rpm. If left, this will prevent the ACR9000 from commanding above this speed (position error will climb until position error faults the drive) and cause an AL-53 error (Excessive Speed Deviation) alarm.

The Torque Input Scale is a ratio that represents the rated torque/analog input voltage. Units are 0.1%/V and the default setting is 100. With this value and  a full 10V signal from the controller the drive would command 100% of the motor RATED torque. To utilize the PEAK torque available of the motor, set the Input Scale to a value equal to motor peak current/motor rated current. For most servo motors peak/rated ratio is 3:1. The correct value for the Input Scale would be 300. 




Step & Direction Mode Notes

The default step resolution in ACR-View of 10,000 pulses per rev in the Configuration Wizard for Pseries motors and the encoder output is also set to 10,000 pulses per rev in above PM-FxL files. As the position loop is closed at the Pseries drive, the encoder feedback isn't used at the ACR9000 but is still available. ie, Users could write their own routine with AcroBasic to monitor in position if need be.

The above files already have the Motor Revolutions set for the encoder resolution.

The encoder resolution is 262144 cts/rev for a PM-FAL series (40mm frame size motor).

The PM-FBL and PM-FCL (60 and 80mm size motors) the encoder resolution is 524,288.

The PM-DD direct drive motors encoder resolution is 1,048,576

For the PM-FxL files, the Shaft Revolutions and Encoder Output have been set for 10,000


The encoder feedback is in the standard cable with the ACR9000 & ACR7000 to Pseries. However, on cycling power or software reset, both encoder channels are low and would cause an encoder fault on the ACR7000 and prevent the encoder feedback from updating.


Where ENC0 is the encoder number it's connected to (Axis connector by default) will clear the encoder fault and resume counting. This command could be added in a PBOOT program or error recovery routine.




The default setting of 10,000 will give full speed range. Higher resolutions are possible for higher accuracy but there's a max of 2.5MHz output on the ACR9000 step output to consider that may limit top speed.

Our motor's encoders resolution are different for the different models. Here's a chart of the different motors resolutions based on the feedback part of the part number / order code.

Feedbacks that are not compatible are marked as NC, such as resolver or Stegmann Hyperface.





2/2/18jh added feedback table

9/20/19 jw added input scale note and changed analog files 

11/25jh Snippets added.

12/18jh Pseries default 0x211F is 4096 from factory. Added this as 0 for the snippets.

1/20jh Snippets for 410, Ripped series added.