Aries-EPL Digital Filtering

The Aries-EPL drives do have digital filtering available for the control loop.  These are not shown in the existing Aries-EPL documentation at this time but are included in the current Operating Systems. 

The setup needs to be done talking to the specific EPL drive through the ACR's Talk To feature via the EPL network (see the ACR-View Terminal window for the Talk To feature).

Here are the applicable commands (can also be accessed via the parameter numbers):

DNOTAD Notch Filter A Depth  (parameter C30)

DNOTAF Notch Filter A Frequency (parameter C31)

DNOTAQ Notch Filter A Quality Factor (parameter C32)



DNOTBD Notch Filter B Depth (parameter C33)

DNOTBF Notch Filter B Frequency (parameter C34)

DNOTBQ Notch Filter B Quality Factor (parameter C35)


DNOTLD Notch Lead Filter Break Frequency (parameter C36)


DNOTLG Notch Lag Filter Break Frequency (parameter C37)


You can reference the non-EPL Aries user guide to see these specific commands for further details on how they work.   Aries AE/SE User Guide

Note - Aries-CE units implement the ACROBASIC filtering commands rather than the commands shown here.  Refer to the ACR-View help files for those commands.


glh 10/2014  Oct 2014