AC620 Series (Discontinued)
The 620 series is obsolete. It was a simple AC drive product originally designed in the 90s and superseded by the first iteration of the 690+ in 1999. Full obsolescence of the series occurred in the 90s to early 2000s depending on the variation. There is no drop-in replacement to the 620 Series.
The 620 is no longer supported unless assistance is required to migrate to a modern product. Your local Parker Distributor/Integrator can assist with modern product implementation. Below is [non-proprietary] information that Parker EMN has on these products to act as a database for migration assistance.
620 Series
These were different variants of the 620 series:
620 -Â "Type 8, 9, & 10" - Basic Drive
620STDÂ -"Standard" - Basic Drive
620COMÂ - As above with the addition of a Serial port and a reference encoder input for phase control applications.
620L - As above, but with the addition of a Link co-processor. LINK fiber optic ports for use in LINK optic based networks. This drive was programmed using ConfigEd or DSD. Neither software is supported any longer. Refer to the following LINK literature in addition to the below information: What is DSD and LINK?
Variants such as the 620ADV, 620S, or 620C were predominately sold overseas and as such Parker EMDN had/has minimal exposure to such products. Documentation denoting these variants is limited in North America. Many were, and remain, proprietary to Parker Europe (EME) or their customers. Support was limited in the US then, and is no longer available now.
Product Code Breakdown
Product code breakdowns can be found in the manuals. For the sake of quick reference, we have the following snippets for the above variant's product codes:Â
Your local Parker Distributor or Integrator can assist with system redesign and finding a solution to meet your needs.Â
Advisement:Â Advisement is to upgrade to an AC30 as we no longer support the 620, nor is it available any longer. The AC30 has the capability to cover 620 applications; the extent of migration depending upon the original application. Please read below.
690+: The 690+ was used as a solid replacement path for many years. Parker EMN does have the following writeups detailing the conversion from 620 to 690+. However the 690+ is no longer in production and these sheets may be utilized to migrate based on general sizing assistance. Advisement would be to maybe use them to understand how the 620 was sized in migrating to modern product.
620L drive: A more robust system reprogramming is required if the original drive was a 620L. LINK is no longer supported nor is the LINK hardware available on modern products any longer. Reprogramming will likely be to our LINKnet fieldbus platform. Your local Parker Distributor/Integrator can assist with modern drive implementation.
Refer to the following LINK literature in addition to the below information:Â What is DSD and LINK?
There is rarely ever only one LINK device in a system. If there are other LINK devices in a system, it will be advised to migrate all devices to modern LINKnet products.
No LINK product can communicate to a LINKnet product without the aid of a LINKbridge. This is a robust engineering effort and is reserved for large systems with a fair amount of LINK product (where a handful of drives are upgraded to LINKnet in an interim period).Â
Spare Parts and accessories:Â There are no spare parts nor accessories available for any variant of the 620 drives.
Product Manuals and Info
Here are the manuals we have for the 620 families:
Software Info
Software information can be found within the respective software environment’s help files. Any of the following software may have been used with your 620drive.
CELite – OBX software. No longer supported. Was primarily used to program the 620. Predecessor to DSELite.
ConfigEd - OBX software. No longer supported. Was primarily used to program 620 LINK drives. Predecessor to DSD/DSE.
DSELite – Modern (free) software used to communicate to current products, successor to CELite and can connect to the 620drive if you absolutely need to open up the programming to understand how it originally functioned.Â
DSD -- No longer fully supported. If your system was a LINK system this software is required to view the programming. You must have the project file on hand to view LINK configurations. You can not extract the configuration from a LINK drive or LINK techbox without the original project file on-hand.
As mentioned above, DSELite has templates for the 620 (non-LINK) drives. These can be used to open the project to understand how the original drive was being used. Help files can be found on each function block in DSELite to understand the parameters used. DSELite download page can be found near the top of the the follow FAQ:Â What software and cable are used for programming?
Legacy Appnotes
These are some Appnotes from internal servers. They are no longer supported. They are included for the sake of legacy information.Â
Miscellaneous Information
Much, but not all, of this information can be found in the manuals. This additional information is included here for legacy reference only and is no longer supported.
620 Fault Codes