TCP/IP Ethernet and a Dial-Up Connection

The Ethernet Connection may be configured for direct connection, dedicated IP address on a company network, or DHCP on a company network. The important point is that the Ethernet network must be a different network than the Dial-Up Adapter (Serial) network. This is accomplished through the IP Address and the subnet mask.

The default serial connection uses an IP Address of and a Subnet Mask of in the "MachineShop Phonebook Entry" on the Windows system. The "runtime" system default configuration uses an IP Address of and a Subnet Mask of for a serial TCP/IP connection. When configuring the Ethernet Connection on the Windows system, the network definition must be different than 10.0.0.X using a Subnet Mask of For example, a network definition of 11.0.0.X is a different network definition; however, 10.1.0.X is on the same network as 10.0.0.X.

To configure Windows to have both a TCP/IP Ethernet Connection and a TCP/IP Dial-Up Adapter (Serial) Connection, please follow the instructions for configuring a TCP/IP Dial-Up Adapter (Serial) Connection, and either a TCP/IP direct Ethernet connection, a TCP/IP Ethernet connection on a company network using a dedicated IP address, or a TCP/IP Ethernet connection on a company network using DHCP from the MachineShop, from the FAQ lists.