6K Troubleshooting - TASF BIT 30 -- Move Not Possible

This bit is activated when a Pre-emptive on-the-fly (OTF) GO or Registration profile is not possible. The registration move has failed to correctly run. This could be cause when the compiled move did not run at all or was modified for some reason.

In the 6K and Gem6K, during a compiled move the over-riding factor is not the distance, but the acceleration and deceleration rates. This means that if the move can not be made, then the 6K/Gem6K will adjust the distance to hit the programmed acceleration and deceleration rates. This will flag TAS bit 30 when the 6K/Gem6K must adjust the move. This also happens with normal moves as well.


Adjust the motion parameters so that acceleration & deceleration ramps are at a high enough rate to be able to perform the distance commanded.