Versions Compared


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As the analog hall sensors are used for position feedback, set LOPASS. A good value for most applications will be 200Hz. Set this in a PBOOT program so that it's set every time on power-up or set it within the defines.

LOPASS X 200         : REM  This is p12386, lopass filter (frequency cutoff in Hertz)


Unloaded ETT025-S2 with 150mm stroke  Tuning gains:

PGAIN X 0.001        : REM Proportional Gain

DGAIN X 0.00001    : REM Derivative Gain


Note the pitch distance (1 electrical cycle = 2 motor poles) = 60mm on all of the ETTs and the encoder resolution (ERES) is 4096 counts over that distance.  These are already set in the IPA in the motor configuration file.

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As of version 6.4.1 of ACR-View the Auto Inertia detection within the Configuration Wizard for the ETT does not work. 
