The Trilogy I-Force Ironless Linear Motors (110, 210, 310, and 410 series) are vacuum encapsulated as standard whereas most competitors are not manufactured this way. The encapsulation makes them suitable for vacuums down to 1e-6 Torr. We even have installations in 1e-7 environments; although, they are not rated to this level. The vacuum compatibility of the I-Force motors has given us a fair degree of success at some high volume semiconductor OEMs.
When ordering, specify a -V vacuum compatible option for the coils. This signifies vacuum prep manufacturing processing (void of human contact with the coils, touchup and shipping packaging).
We have also done some customs that have been prepped for de-ionized water and some other unusual semicon environmental conditions.
Are the black magnets compatible in a vacuum environment? Don't anodized surfaces need to be nickel coated for vacuum?
The black magnets are not anodized. They are covered in a hardened epoxy material, similar to the epoxy used to encapsulate the Trilogy coils. The black magnets are compatible in vacuum environments.
For higher vacuum levels, the Trilogy tracks and coils can be further customized. Your local Parker ATC can provide custom Trilogy product quotes.
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