This example shows some basic data exchanges between a Parker AC10 VFD drive and a Parker Interact Xpress XT HMI over Modbus/RTU and an RS485 connection.
See the AC10 Installation Guide for more details on its Modbus/RTU implementation (Chapter 12):
The specific Modbus/RTU settings in the Xpress application are as follows to match up the AC10 defaults pretty closely.
The AC10 Modbus implementation limits 'block reads' to 10 registers or less.
Tag address list for the Xpress project:
123456789101112131415161718 Name AddressOutputFrequency h401000OutputVoltage h401001OutputCurrent h401002PoleNumbers_ControlMode h401003BusVoltage h401004DriveRatio_InverterStatus h401005PercentOutputTorque h401006InverterTemp h401007ApplicationSelection h40021CDI1Functions h400310DI2Functions h400311DITerminalStatus h40100BTerminalOutputStatus h40100CAI1Value h40100DAI2Value h40100EMotor_StatorResistance h400806AO1Value h401015
Example Xpress Manager project:
AC10 Modbus Example to Interact Xpress
glh 10/2021