An Axis Parameter has been added to display the Encoder velocity in 'RPM'. This register will display the encoder RPM updated each Period. If RPM factor > 0 then the algorithm turns on to calculate the RPM. This RPM will be determined by the RPM factor for each axis using the following formula.
RPM Factor = 60 / ((Encoder pulse count per unit) * Servo Period)
Encoder pulse count = (Encoder pulses per revolution * encoder multiplier * encoder revolutions per unit)
{Typically the PPU of the Axis}
AXIS0 | AXIS1 | AXIS2 | AXIS3 | AXIS4 | AXIS5 | AXIS6 | AXIS7 | |
RPM Factor | P12370 | P12626 | P12882 | P12128 | P13394 | P13650 | P13906 | P14162 |
Actual RPM | P12371 | P12627 | P12883 | P12129 | P13395 | P13651 | P13907 | P14163 |
AXIS8 | AXIS9 | AXIS10 | AXIS11 | AXIS12 | AXIS13 | AXIS14 | AXIS15 | |
RPM Factor | P14418 | P14674 | P14930 | P15186 | P15442 | P15698 | P15954 | P16210 |
Actual RPM | P14419 | P14675 | P14931 | P15187 | P15443 | P15699 | P15955 | P16211 |
Usage example:
The motor encoder has a 500 PPR, the ACR card has the multiplier set to MULT 4 and the axis has 2.5 encoder revolutions per inch of travel.
REM Encoder pulse count = (500 * 4 * 2.5) = 5000
REM Default PERIOD = 0.0005
REM RPM Factor = 60 /(5000 *0.0005) = 24
REM P12370 = 24
100 P12370 = 60 /(5000 *0.0005)
120 PRINT "Encoder RPM = ";P12371
Sample program to display average RPM
PPU X5000
ACC 100
DEC 100
STP 100
F 100
REM Set value of RPM factor
P12370 = 60 /(5000 * 0.0005)
10 RES X
REM Set random Feedrate (5-100)
20 LV2 = ((RND 90)+5)
30 F (LV2)
REM Set random distance (5-30)
40 LV3 = ((RND 25)+5)
50 X (LV3)
60 DV0=0 : LV1=1
70 INH 516
80 PRINT" Feedrate = "; LV2;" Distance = ";LV3
REM Add RPM samples to average
200 DV0 = (DV0 + P12371)
REM Count number of samples
220 LV1 = (LV1+1)
REM Loop if axis still moving
240 IF (BIT 516) THEN GOTO 200
260 DWL 0.1
300 PRINT " Number of samples = ";LV1
320 PRINT USING "##.##";" Average RPM = ";(DV0/LV1)
340 PRINT " "
360 DWL 5
380 GOTO 10
400 END