IPA Software - Ethernet/IP with Allen-Bradley or Omron PLCs
Related FAQ:Â Video: IPA Add On Instructions Tutorial for Allen-Bradley Logix PLCs
The IPA single axis servo drive controller and the ACR9000 series multi-axis controllers (including the Ethernet Powerlink ACR9030 & ACR9040, and the IEC version ACR9600, ACR9630 and ACR9640) have Ethernet/IP built into their operating systems as a standard feature for communicating to Allen Bradley PLCs (Control Logix and Compact Logix that have Ethernet/IP scanners).
The IPA has Add On Instructions (AOI) implemented making it easier to implement into their Logix software. Users aren't limited to the AOI and may use Ethernet/IP without the AOI. These are available on the IPA product page.
For Omron PLCs, the Ethernet/IP is not initialized from the PLC, so this would need to be initialized in the IPA or ACR9000.  Below is a sample EthernetIP configuration subroutine that would do this. This is also included in this zip file:
IPA electronic datasheet (.eds)
ACR9000 series (ACR9000, ACR9030/40, ACR9630/40) electronic datasheet (.eds)
ACR9000 firmware 1.30 update 4 (for ACR9000, ACR9030, ACR9040)
ACR9600 (IEC) firmware 2.30 update 4 (for ACR9600, ACR9630, ACR9640)
Sample IPA AcroBasic subroutine for EthernetIP initialization
ACR9000 series requires firmware 1.30 update 3 or higher is needed for Omron PLCs for below parameters to be added. Previous firmwares already include Ethernet/IP for Allen Bradley PLCs.
IPA firmware 4.40 (release version) and higher already has this and does not need to be updated.
Related documents:
New! We made an improvement in firmware version 4.42 for the IPA. Reload programs after changing OS. If it's a new IPA, it'll already be ver 4.42 (see connection window in ACR-View, or type VER in terminal window). The only change needed to the IPA is the following two parameters:
Maximum consumed parameters P37438 (output from PLC, input to IPA) = Size of Assembly Instance 102 in 32bit parameters
Maximum produced parameters P37439 (Input to PLC, output from IPA) = Size of Assembly Instance 101 in 32bit parameters
These values need to be ESAVE then read after power cycle. The best way to do this is have the value set after the program download or in the defines. Then REBOOT. If the value is ESAVE, then every power cycle the controller will wake up, look at these values and if between 1 and 99, that number will be used as the Assembly size and expect that value as part of the connection sequence from the PLC. if the value is not 1-99, then it will revert to the default of 100.
P37438= 32 :REM PLC sends 32 parameters to IPA
P37439 =48 : REM IPA sends 48 parameter to PLC
The above sets values based on the same datablock of the sample in above zip which is the same as the parameters set with the AOIs.
The Omron software may allow for a value different than the Assembly size called out in the EDS file (note the check box Allow Value Edit).......if so make the change in the Omron configuration. Note that EDS calls for byte but each IPA param = 4 bytes.
  'Set the Total Number of Groups being used
 'Group0 Current Position
   'Group1 Primary Axis Flags
   'Group2 QuanAxisFlags
   'Group3 QuinAxisFlags
   'Group4 InputsOutpsMisc
   'Group5 Drive Status1 Flags
   'Group6 Drive Status2 Flags
   'Group7 Monitor Parameters
   'Group8 Scaling
   'Group9 Program Flags
   'Group10 User DINTs
   'Group11 User Flags-Control Words
   'Group12 Jog Profile Parameters
   'Group13 User DINTs
   'Group14 User Reals
   'Group15 User Reals
*The IPA uses implicit messaging.Â
11/12/18jh Added note on 4.42 firmware for IPA
07DEC2021 DCLIFFE - Fixed links and updated metadata.