IPA Misc - How to Change the IP Address

IPA Misc - How to Change the IP Address

The IP address for IPA Controllers can be assigned via hardware, programmed by the user or assigned dynamically from a DHCP server.

IPA Controllers ship with IP address default of





Switch Setting

Unit IP Address


1 (S1=1, S10=0)


2-98 (S1=2, S10=0)

Example: 14 (S1=4, S10=1)



99 (S1=9, S10=9)

User defined via IP command


99 (S1=9, S10=9)

User defined via IP command

Set IP "" or Set IP "" to have the controller accept address from a DHCP server


0 (S1=0, S10=0) (see note below)


Hardware Assignment:

 Change the switches to desired address in the range shown above then cycle power or issue REBOOT command for the new address to take effect.


Software Assignment:

Establish communication to the controller using a hardware assigned address. Change the hardware setting to 99 (S1=9, S10=9) but do not cycle power yet. In the terminal emulator assign a new address using the syntax IP "xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx".  Setting is saved automatically in non-volatile RAM.  Change subnet mask as needed using syntax IP MASK "xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx".  Cycle power or issue REBOOT command for the new address to take effect. For example:

SYS> IP ""






There may be cases where a user program was created that is preventing communications. For example, a start-up program (PBOOT) includes the REBOOT command, which could cause the controller to repeatedly reset itself before communications can be established to kill and edit the program. The utility setting in the drive can be used to erase the programs and allow communications. 

Set the rotary switches to  0 and 0 and cycle power. The IP address will actually be, but the controller will not fully load the operating system. Use a terminal application such as Hyperterminal and connect to to, port 5002.  When connected the terminal will display the following:

Parker Hannifin Corporation
OS Loader Rev: 00.13
Remaining in OS Loader because:
IP address selected to

At the prompt, enter  clear -user to erase user programs. 

OSL> clear -user
Clearing user memory......DONE

Change the IP address to a valid 1-99 value, cycle power and connect using ACR-View. 

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