How Do I Update My DSE, DSElite, DSI3, DSI8000, or DSD Software?

For updating PDQ or PDD, see the AC30 subsection on the left side of the page.

Updating DSELite,DSI3, and DSI8000

  • DSELite version 2.20 (or newer) is compatible with: 64 and 32 bit versions of Native Windows 10, Windows 8, Windows 7 and Windows XP

  • DSI8000 is compatible with 64 and 32 bit versions of Windows 8, Windows 7, Windows XP, Windows 2000, and Windows98

    • DSI8000 is no longer receiving any further updates.

  • DSI3 is compatible with 64 and 32 bit versions of Windows 10, Windows 8, Windows 7 and Windows XP

DSE Lite, DSI3, and DSI8000 can be updated by opening the software and clicking on the HELP tab and find CHECK FOR UPDATES to receive the latest revision. If you have an internet connection it will download all the necessary updates:




Updating DSE890 (aka. DSE), DSD, Manager

Manager, DSD, DSE890 (aka DSE) are licensed for a single computer only

Do not install Manager, DSD, or DSE on a second computer. If you do, you will be creating duplicate project numbers. If your ID.DAT file detects duplicate project numbers it will not allow you to view the file. You will not be able to log on to the manager network to download updates for both computers.

Do not reinstall Manager, DSD, or DSE on a computer via a new .exe without following the below procedure. If you do, you will not be able to create new projects nor will you be able to log on to the manager network to download updates. You will need to uninstall the original .exe first after receiving an updated .exe per the below steps.

  • DSE890 (aka. DSE) version 2.20 (or newer) is compatible with: 64 and 32 bit versions of Native Windows 10, Windows 8, Windows 7 and Windows XP

    • DSE890  v3.x or later can Export/Import projects within the program via Project / Manage, thus not requiring Manager. It will have a .prj file extension, this is not compatible with DSD or DSE v2.x or earlier.

  • DSD (Drive System Designer) and Link Manager are compatible with: Native Windows 10 (32 bit), Native Windows 7 (32 bit), Native Windows XP (32 bit), Native Vista (32 bit), Native Windows 98 and Native Windows 95

    • DSD is not receiving any further updates. The below procedure will provide the last revision.

  • Manager is compatible with: Native Windows 10 (32 bit), Native Windows 7 (32 bit), Native Windows XP (32 bit)

    • Manager is no longer receiving any updates.

    • This was used with DSD and DSE890 (v2.x or earlier). It exported a .001 project file that is not compatible in the modern DSE software. v3.x or later.

  1. Take note of your Account ID (Database ID) and User Name from the scratchpad in your software, at startup. 

  1. Do you have the old Manager program (not compatible nor used with modern software)? If not carry onto step 3.

    • Use the Manager Update function: Click File \ Client (All eligible programs will update)

  1. If you do not have Manager go here: 

  2. Register for an update

    1. If you are not registered on the site, you will need to register on the site

  3. You will supply your email, Account ID (Database ID), and User Name all from step 1.

  4. Once you register for an update, the update will be emailed to you.

    1. You will need to uninstall the existing .exe on your computer, in order to install the new .exe


8/31/2018 SV

20DEC19 JD

01JUL2020 Updated compatibility information for DSD and Manager.  DCLIFFE