How Do I Migrate My DSE (DSE890), DSElite, DSD Software to a New Computer?

How Do I Migrate My DSE (DSE890), DSElite, DSD Software to a New Computer?

Moving DSELite, DSI3, and DSI8000

DSELite, DSI3 and DSI8000 can be installed on a new computer without issue as they are available for no charge. It will create an SSD_LINK folder on your new computer. This is the downloads page: http://divapps.parker.com/divapps/eme/EME/downloads/AC_DC_Drives_Software.htm

However, if you have DSE or DSD software on the existing computer in addition to DSELite or DSI and want to migrate those to, then follow the procedure below and all software will be carried over from the original computer via the existing SSD_LINK folder. Then you can update the software to the latest versions.

  • If you happen to have already installed DSI3, DSI8000, or DSELite on your new computer (advised if your original computer didn't have DSE or DSD) and now want to migrate your DSE or DSD files to the new computer don't worry. Simply follow the below procedure, and when prompted, have your original SSD_LINK folder overwrite the one on your new computer. Then update software to the latest versions


Moving DSE890 (aka. DSE), DSD, Manager

Manager, DSD, DSE890 (aka DSE) are licensed for a single computer only. If you are migrating the existing software, that is fine.

Do not install Manager, DSD, or DSE on a second computer. If you do, you will be creating duplicate project numbers. If your ID.DAT file detects duplicate project numbers it will not allow you to view the file. You will not be able to log on to the manager network to download updates for both computers.

Do not reinstall Manager, DSD, or DSE on a computer via a new .exe. If you do, you will not be able to create new projects nor will you be able to log on to the manager network to download updates. You will need to uninstall the original .exe first after receiving an updated .exe per the updating procedure in the sidebar.


  • DSE890 (aka. DSE) version 2.20 (or newer) is compatible with: 64 and 32 bit versions of Native Windows 10, Windows 8, Windows 7 and Windows XP

    • DSE890  v3.x or later can Export/Import projects within the program via Project / Manage, thus not requiring Manager. It will have a .prj file extension, this is not compatible with DSD or DSE v2.x or earlier.

  • DSD (Drive System Designer) and Link Manager are compatible with: Native Windows 10 (32 bit), Native Windows 7 (32 bit), Native Windows XP (32 bit), Native Vista (32 bit), Native Windows 98 and Native Windows 95

    • DSD is not receiving any further updates. 

    • Do not attempt to move DSD to a 64 bit machine. It will not work.

  • Manager is compatible with: Native Windows 10 (32 bit), Native Windows 7 (32 bit), Native Windows XP (32 bit)

    • Manager is no longer receiving any updates.

    • This was used with DSD and DSE890 (v2.x or earlier). It exported a .001 project file that is not compatible in the modern DSE software. v3.x or later.


  1. Copy the entire SSD_LINK directory to the new computer. It is normally located under your C:\ drive.



  1. Download the newest version of DSELite from http://divapps.parker.com/divapps/eme/EME/downloads/AC_DC_Drives_Software.htm

  2. Install the latest version of DSELite on the computer you just migrated to. (It is not necessary to uninstall the existing version of DSELite)

    1. This is done to register the DLLs in the registry of your new computer (The installation process of DSELite does this automatically for the entire SSD_LINK folder)

    2. Even if you already have DSELite, grab the latest executable and reinstall it to register the DLL files.

  3. Follow the Help instructions to install the USB Drivers:


(For a 64-bit machine, the file location may differ from the path indicated. It may be located in the x86 folder)

  1. The first time you try to log on to the manager network to download updates for DSE (DSE890), or DSD, you will need to update by following this "How do I update FAQ".


Does DSE or DSELite crash or creating or opening a project?

  1. Close DSE or DSELite

    1. Go to “C:\SSD_LINK\TOOLS/WIN3”

  2. Delete the two files there called “DSE.pdv’ & “DSE.run”.

  3. Rerun the software and open or create a project


14JAN20 JD

01JUL2020 Updated compatibility information for DSD and Manager.  DCLIFFE


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