Drive Gain of APEX615N

A customer called about the drive gain of their APEX6151. They needed this value because they were using servo tuner and the automatic gain selection (the torque amplifier screen asks for this). This would not necessarily be the same value as the test point on the APEX, but in the APEX drive-only user guide you can select via dip switch setting the drive gain values. These same dip switches are not available on the APEX615n units, so the controller version is internally set to the largest value. This would mean that our drive gains are as follows:

APEX10/20/40: according to the setting on dip switches SW3, #6 & #7.

APEX6151: 10V = 16amps, gain = 1.6 amps/volt

APEX6152: 10V = 24amps, gain = 2.4 amps/volt

APEX6154: 10V = 40amps, gain = 4.0 amps/volt