InteractX Troubleshooting - Com Server Error Log
The InteractX Com Server does have an Error log that can be used to aid in diagnosing Communications issues. On your Development PC, the Com Server Icon is visible in the Windows System tray as soon as a project is loaded for editing.
If you double click the Icon, the screen that opens has a error history with time and date stamps at the bottom and a communications setup tree like you see when configuring your drivers. Any entry with a Yellow or Red marker next to it is an error of some sort. The Description shows what error condition was reported. This can be from the Com server complaining or it can be messages returned from the PLC with errors it detected. (Bad address, Wrong Data Type etc...)
To access the InteractX Com Server Error Log during runtime, you will need a keyboard attached and hit the "Windows Key" or Hold down "Ctrl" and hit "Esc" key which brings up the Windows System Tray.
You can check the driver settings and change them to debug issues right in this screen. Changes made in this screen are not automatically saved to the project. If you want to make the changes permanent, you need to hit the save icon right about the drivers tree or do a Files - Save
If you do not save your changes, they will be reverted to the saved values in the project the next time the com server shuts down and restarts or the system is rebooted. If you do not save it here, be sure you make the changes in the com server configuration in the development and save it before downloading to the runtime platform.
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