Reboot to Start Drivers Error Message
If you are getting the message "please reboot to start drivers" when trying to open a Motion Architect terminal or panel, even after you have rebooted already, there are a few possible causes:
Most likely, if you are running under WindowsNT, you aren't in Administrative mode. WindowsNT requires you to log in as the administrator to install new software or drivers. You must log in as administrator, install Motion Architect and the 6000 Series Drivers and Samples, reboot the computer, and log in as administrator again to initialize drivers and start WinRT running. From then on, you may log in as normal to run Motion Architect.
Another device may be trying to use the same IRQ as your AT card. Change one of the IRQ settings so they do not conflict and reboot the computer.
There may be a device address conflict and the driver is trying to start with an invalid address. You can change the starting port address by editing the Port entry in the MA6000.ini file under the Windows directory.
This message is caused when not using 6000 Drivers and Samples version 1.3 under Windows 2000. Again, be sure to be logged in with Administrator privileges when installing any software. You can download this new update (6000DRV.ZIP) from our website at: Parker Hannifin, Electromechanical Automation, North America - AComplete Family of Motion Control Products .