COMMs Control World

If the drive needs to be controlled by the communication fieldbus instead of the Sequencing & Reference blocks function (default), on can use parameter 0436 "Comms command"


Bit 10 must be set for the drive to listen to the other bits (Tag 437 "Comms Seq" becomes true).
In order for the drive to use a speed setpoint given by the bus, bit 11 must be set (-> Tag 438 becomes true).

tag 436 "Comms Command" can only be written via the fieldbus itself (-> not via the keypad, dselite or web page as writing is not allowed for these access channels)!

Drive parameter numbers are converted to bus numbers by adding 0x2000.
For example, 0436 (0x1B4) becomes the bus object number 0x21B4.




More details by right click / Help or F1 on the function block in  DSElite :
