Software for X-Language Products
Related FAQ: X Language Products - Communication via RS232
A user of one of Compumotor's X-language controllers (i.e. SX, ZX, 500, TQ10X, OEM-X, etc.) has several options for communicating to it.
XWare is a simple terminal emulator and editor program that allows the user to communicate, upload and download programs to and from the controller. It can be download for free from Compumotor's website.
A generic terminal emulator may also be used. HyperTerminal is a commonly used package. ProComm is also such a package. The serial settings for these terminal emulators are:
Baud rate: 9600
Data bits: 8
Parity: None
Stop bits: 1
Flow control: None
A generic text editor like Notepad or UltraEdit can be used to write code. The file can then be downloaded using HyperTerminal's "Send a file..." function.