S/SX Motors - S106 Motor Replacements

This article is a legacy article. For more information on replacing S motors, please see this article:

Zeta, S, ES Series Step Motors Discontinued & Suggested Replacements - EMC Industrial Public Knowledge Base - Parker Electronic Motion and Controls (atlassian.net)


Related FAQs: 

What replaces a SX drive?

What should I replace my S Drive with? S6, S8 or S3

Note that these are 42-frame step motors which are not very common as they require high current stepper drives which are also not common. Many of these have been successfully upgraded to servo motors & drives.  Servo motors are more accurate (they do not stall and have encoders built-in for true closed loop accuracy), can run at higher speeds (5000rpm vs 3000rpm max), run more efficiently (drawing power-on-demand vs running full current) and thus run cooler (servo motor case temperature lower than step motors) and quieter (step motors are noisy above 20rps). Servo systems are more common for higher power systems and more cost-effective offering a number of newer options than stepper drives (Ethernet tcp/ip communications, Ethernet/IP and other field bus options, USB and Modbus communications) and can be used with Xpress HMIs.

As step motors have very high torque at 0 speed, and 42dimensions, the PV42 gearhead could be used with a servo motor, allowing for high startup torque and additional mechanical advantage of a gearbox.

We'd recommend contacting your local Parker Automation Technology Center (ATC) that can review the application requirements to determine if a servo system is appropriate as replacement and a motor/drive/gearhead (if needed) combination.






The S106-178 motor is no longer available. The S106-178-MO or SX106-178-MO was the part number for the motor only. Dimensions are shown on page 45 of Chapter 4 of the Hardware Reference for the S User's Guide.

As a recommended replacement, consider the TS41B-DKx10
where x is S for Series or P for parallel.

The D dual shaft can be changed to S for single shaft if a rear shaft is not necessary. The TS41 motor is much shorter but has much more powerful magnets and has higher torque performance as the 106-178 motor. The TS41 motor output shaft how is .75" diameter with a key where the 106-250 motor had a .625" diameter shaft with #404 Woodruff. The bolt circle and pilot are similar dimensions.

The S106-205-MO is a possible replacement as well.



The S106-205-MO or SX106-205-MO is the part number for the motor only.

Note the S106-205 motor is still available.

Dimensions are shown on page 46 of Chapter 4 of the Hardware Reference for the S User's Guide.

As a potential replacement for newer applications, consider the TS42B-DKx10
where x is S for Series or P for parallel.

The D dual shaft can be changed to S for single shaft if a rear shaft is not necessary. The TS42 motor is much shorter but has much more powerful magnets and has higher torque performance as the 106-250 motor. The TS42 motor output shaft how is .75" diameter with a key where the 106-250 motor had a .625" diameter shaft with .188" square key. The bolt circle and pilot are similar dimensions.  The current is higher on the TS42B motor.


The S106-250 motor is no longer available. The S106-250-MO or SX106-250-MO was the part number for the motor only. Dimensions are shown on page 45 of Chapter 4 of the Hardware Reference for the S User's Guide.

As a recommended replacement, consider the TS42B-DKx10
where x is S for Series or P for parallel.

The D dual shaft can be changed to S for single shaft if a rear shaft is not necessary. The TS42 motor is much shorter but has much more powerful magnets and has higher torque performance as the 106-250 motor. The TS42 motor output shaft how is .75" diameter with a key where the 106-250 motor had a .625" diameter shaft with #404 Woodruff. The bolt circle and pilot are similar dimensions.


june 2012jh  added -178 and -205 motors