How to Clone Your 590+ Drive
This only 100% works on firmware v8.x and a modern 6901 keypad. See below for important notes to determine if your drive supports cloning.
This document goes over important details and contains the procedure: Link to document
The drives you are cloning MUST be the same horse power/kW rating or the keypad will lose the configuration and the new drive will NOT be cloned.
The drive firmware and the 6901 keypad (FW v11.1 or newer) must both support cloning. If either firmware doesn't support cloning the option to “SAVE TO OP” will simply not appear
Both drives MUST be the same rating or you will lose the configuration.
SYSTEM > SOFTWARE > SAVE TO OP and SYSTEM > SOFTWARE > LOAD FROM OP (see the above document for information).
This procedure can also be found in the manual. Found here on the product page for the 590+ on - See the "Product Support" Tab
Note - After successful cloning, no auto-tune should be required if the original drive had previously been autotuned successfully.
9/21/2018 STV
13JUN19 JD - Update/ Combine FAQ