How Can I Monitor Cycle Time in the PAC?

Parker Automation Manager (PAM) has a feature for monitoring task execution times, jitter and cumulative cycles. This can be found under Task Configuration > Monitor.

Users can also add this functionality to their PAC applications and allow this data to be available at runtime. This can be useful for:

  • Displaying data to maintenance programmers

  • Long-term application profiling

  • Function block performance testing

The CmpIecTask library contains functions that allow users to monitor everything that PAM's Monitor window does. NOTE: Use caution when using functions in the CmpIecTask library. While the functions used in this sample only provide data, some functions in CmpIecTask have the capability to disrupt the task structure and crash the runtime. We recommend using CmpIecTask only to retrieve data.

Users who want to try out this functionality can download a sample project below. The sample project is provided with a function block that provides data to the user about cycle times and jitter. The project archive contains a project in .library format so that users can deploy it directly into their applications if they wish. Select the project that matches your version of Parker Automation Manager:

PAM1.4: Task_Monitor_PAM1.4

PAM1.3: Task_Monitor_PAM1.3

NOTE: This library file is provided as a source code sample and has not been subjected to a formal Quality Control process.


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30OCT18 JD