How to Program a Start, Stop, Reset Cold from Within a PAC Project

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To stop, reset cold or start an application from running, a second app would need to be installed as part of the project in Parker Automation Manager (PAM) software. From that project, it could stop/reset/start the main application with the EtherCAT task. This gives users the ability to do this from the project rather than cycling power on the 24volts on the PAC. 

Application Manager is a free download from the CoDeSys store:

For this sample application, App2 is running and from AppInteract users can stop, reset and start App1 using AppInteract.xStop, AppInteract.xResetCold and AppInteract.xStart respectively.

From the CoDeSys store, download and install Application Manager. Users will need to run PAM as an admin to install the Application Manager package.


Another option with release 1.3, in the PAC Config Tool there is now a Reboot button:  PAC_Config_SystemSettings.jpg


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