ECL Homing Notes with PAC Via EtherCAT

ECL Homing Notes with PAC Via EtherCAT

Use SMC3_ETC_WriteParameter_CoE to do a SDO (acyclic 'one-shot' data write) to the eCL to set the Homing Speed and Homing Mode before doing an MC_Home.


Index and subindex are listed in eCL user manual.


PROGRAM PLC_PRG VAR YPower: mc_power; bTurnOnY: BOOL; Ymove: SM3_Basic.MC_MoveRelative; bMoveY: BOOL; Yhome: SM3_Basic.MC_Home; bHomeY: BOOL; YSetHomingMode:SM3_Drive_ETC.SMC3_ETC_WriteParameter_CoE; bYSetHomingMode:BOOL; YSetHomingSpeed:SM3_Drive_ETC.SMC3_ETC_WriteParameter_CoE; bYSetHomingSpeed:BOOL; END_VAR YPower( Axis:= Y, Enable:= TRUE, bRegulatorOn:= bTurnOnY, bDriveStart:= bTurnOnY, Status=> , bRegulatorRealState=> , bDriveStartRealState=> , Busy=> , Error=> , ErrorID=> ); Ymove( Axis:= Y, Execute:=bMoveY , Distance:= 1, Velocity:= 1, Acceleration:=10 , Deceleration:=10 , Jerk:= , Done=> , Busy=> , CommandAborted=> , Error=> , ErrorID=> ); YSetHomingMode( xExecute:=bYSetHomingMode, xAbort:= , uiIndex:=16#6098 , usiSubIndex:= 0, usiDataLength:=1 , dwValue:= 1, Axis:= Y, xDone=> , xBusy=> , xError=> , dwErrorCode=> , eError=> ); YSetHomingSpeed( xExecute:=bYSetHomingSpeed, xAbort:= , uiIndex:=16#6099 , usiSubIndex:= 1, usiDataLength:=4 , dwValue:= 10000, Axis:= Y, xDone=> , xBusy=> , xError=> , dwErrorCode=> , eError=> ); Yhome( Axis:=Y , Execute:= bHomeY, Position:= 0, Done=> , Busy=> , CommandAborted=> , Error=> , ErrorID=> );

ECLD-4DC-PC  EtherCAT Stepper drive wiring for Limit Sensors (Limit+, Limit-, Origin; and Inputs & Outputs)

aka End of Travel and Home inputs

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