Compax3 Misc - Homing A SinCos System
With motors that have a SinCos absolute encoder it is important in the initial setup of the motor/drive to zero that encoder to a specific spot. Using homing mode 35 in the Compax3, which means home where you are, does this. So if you place the motor in the desired home position and tell it to home, it will not move but will it will now be at 0. This is remembered in the encoder from now on.
It may not be desired to redo this homing every time the system powers up, especially for a T11 unit, which requires that you home every time after a power cycle. To do a one-time home, open the Optimization screen in the C3 Servomanager and follow the steps below.
Physically move the motor to the desired home position. This can also be done by jogging the motor in the Optimization screen in the C3 Servomanager.
In the Optimization screen, lower left, there is a text entry field. Enter the following commands to home the system to this position.
:wo1130.4 = 35
:wo1130.5 = 0
:wo210.10 = 1
:wo20.1 = 1
:wo1100.1 = 30