Compax3 Training - Navigating CODESYS Quick Tips
As a quick reference for programming in the Codesys environment, here are some basics for adding, deleting and selecting for CFC programming:
To input a block and link it to common onboard objects, such as the Compax3 Inputs, insert an AND block, highlight the AND name:
Press F2 to menu select available function blocks:
You must have an MC_Power block to enable the Compax3. Add an AND block, highlight and click F2, just as above:
The axis needs to be linked to the global variable Axis Local Ref. Add an Input block to the Axis, highlight the ???:
Press F2 to navigate to the Axis_Ref_Local global variable:
To link an input to an output, left-click (holding the click) on the pin and then draw the link to the output, releasing the click:
Or you may link an input to an output by adding an output block, naming it to the object and typing "." to select available inputs:
To delete link, click on the pin connection to either object and press delete key:
Connection Mark: Connection Marks allow better readibility in large CFC visual programming. Draw the link from pin to pin and then right click to change it to a connection mark:
Renaming the connection mark will rename the mark on both connections automatically.
To delete an input box or output box, click the box on the side opposite the pin and press delete key:
For quick object selecting, type c3. and then a popup box allows you to select pre-defined Compax3 objects:
When doing a build (F11) in Codesys, the Compiler window will open.
Unless using older Compax3s, always use >=V03.04.00 (C3 2007R07) to give full functionality. Using All Versions will compile for older firmware and some commands and functions may not be available.
Updated 2/1/13jh