Compax3 Misc - Auto-Commutation (Hall-Less Commutation)
Auto-commutation Setup
Autocommutation feature is also known as "Wake and Wiggle" or "Hall-less" commutation. This type of commutation is a standard feature, custom firmware is not required. Auto-commutation cannot be used with brakes engaged or vertical applications.
Step1 Create Custom motor.
Edit motor library, Create Rotary motor, Template or New. Create a new motor file. A template of an existing motor file with identical motor parameters can be used.
Step 2 Motor parameters
A New motor file requires motor parameters to be added otherwise go to step 3.
Step 3 Feedback System
In the Feedback System selection window, select encoder. Use the Commutation setting to "Automatic commutation with movement". This is required for New and Template files.
Step 4 Automatic setting of commutation parameters.
Select and run "Automatic setting of commutation parameters" to teach the Compax3 the initial commutation.
Safety Warning!
Motion will occur. KEEP WELL CLEAR of any machinery driven by servo motors. Every time the drive is energized it must know the commutation angle. The drive must make a small movement to determine the offset angle of the linear or rotary motor. Typically the motor moves by 4% of the pitch length or, with rotary direct drives 4% of 360°/number of pole pairs - maximum 50%. This does not mean you must enter the Motor Manager. What does happen is the drive will teach itself the offset the first time the drive energizes the motor after the initial power up of the 24 volt logic supply or any subsequent logic power loss.
For more information please see your Compax3 hardware guide
Related FAQs: Video: How to Create Custom Rotary Motor File for Compax3