Parker MotionSizer - Temperature Rise Calculation

Even though Parker MotionSizer does not have the coil temperature rise calculation like WinTips, this is a fairly straight-forward calculation.

This spreadsheet calculates the temperature rise based upon the continuous force required for the application.

As an example, presume an application in MotionSizer is generated and the R10-3S is selected. The continuous force required for this application 191.05 lbf. In MotionSizer this is the Motor Rated Force on the Motor Selection screen. If you have a list of motor/drive combinations make sure you highlight that motor/drive combination by clicking on that row. Then the Motor Rated Force above shows the continuous force.

The first column shows the calculations with the parameters. The second column with the R10-3 has Excel cell referenced in the formulas allowing easier expansion or copy & pasting for evaluating multiple coils.

Simple Sizing Spreadsheet


For the experienced users that know WinTIPS and still want to know the thermal rise temperature, alternatively this temp_calculator that has all the Trilogy motors, just input the continuous force required (shown in the Motor Selection screen in Parker MotionSizer) for the application and the ambient temperature:

Temperature Calculator - All Trilogy Motors

If the force is too far beyond what the motor can do, the calculation isn't relevant and it'll change to ###### (like WinTIPS does).