Fonts and Graphics on Tools Broken After Interact Upgrade to Ver 7 to Run on PA2 Hardware. Application Runs but Font Size or Images Are Wrong.
When upgrading the Interact files used on any hardware but most common when upgrading to new hardware, there are some files that are not copied by default.
Interact had several features and functionality that could be created by the machine builder and added to the application. One of these user modifiable features were the FONT files. Interact RUNTIME is DOS based and has individual bitmapped graphic font files that a user could modify.
Our recommendation to users was to name the modified fonts user1.fnt user2.fnt etc... for the DOS bitmapped files. This recommendation was not always headed and it is possible they could have modified the "standard" FONTs with names like system, smallfnt, eurostyl etc... and used those to display the custom graphic or symbol on the tools.
The CF (Compact Flash) card has a fonts folder that has the RUNTIME font files ending in ".fnt". It is this folder you need from the old system. You may have more or less .fnt files than are shown below. It is entirely dependent on how the machine builder created the application and how much customization they did.
Once you have completed your upgrade, copy the old fonts folder over the top of the one downloaded from your development PC.
IMPORTANT - only copy the fonts folder from the old flash card onto the new flash card, do not copy the files directly into your Interact development files on the PC. Windows development requires font.fon files that are not copied to the CF card for runtime. When you open the application in development, the fonts may look wrong but don't change them in any way. Since the Windows development does not have corresponding .fon for each of the .fnt files, it will make a best guess or be blank. Go ahead and download to the CF card, and copy the fonts folder onto it and see how it looks in runtime.
dm 06012018