How Do I Reset the Master Password in an AC10?

  1. Navigate to F101 on the keypad.

    1. Press [M] to display F100.

    2. Press [O] to illuminate DGT.

    3. Press [UP] to navigate to F101.

    4. Press [E] to enter parameter.

  2. Set F101 to 2015 for Master password reset.

    1. Press [O] to toggle between digits.

    2. Set value to 2015.

    3. Press [E] to enter/escape back to last level.

    4. Press [M] to back out to top menu.

    5. The password is now temporarily overridden until power is cycled. Then it is back

  3. To permanently reset the password, follow these instructions:

    1. Set F107 to 0.

    2. Set F108 to 1.

    3. Set F108 to 0

    4. Now there is no password in the drive.

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11JUNE2018 LS