What Are the Basic Parameters to Run an AC Induction Motor from Just the Keypad?

To run an AC induction motor on the AC10 in a new application consult the Quickstart guide, on the product page for the AC10 on Parker.com - [Manual, QuickStarts, Product Support, etc].


Below are the minimum parameters that need to be set to run an AC induction motor from just the keypad. Descriptions of these parameters can be found in the manual on the product page, at the link above. If you have already done some programming on the AC10 you can reset the drive to factory defaults by setting F160 = 1.


Motor Data Parameters With Required Values:

  • F801 (Rated Power [kW]) = Motor Nameplate Value

  • F802 (Rated Voltage [V]) = Motor Nameplate Value

  • F803 (Rated Current [A]) = Motor Nameplate Value

  • F804 (Number of Motor Poles) = Motor Nameplate Value

  • F805 (Rated Rotary Speed [RPM]) = Motor Nameplate Value

  • F810 (Motor Rated Frequency [Hz]) = Motor Nameplate Value


Control Parameters With "Keypad Only" Values:

  • F200 (Source of Start Command) = 0

  • F201 (Source of Stop Command) = 0

  • F203 (Main Frequency Source) = 0

  • F207 (Frequency Source Selecting) = 0


Speed Parameters With Starter Values:

  • F106 (Control Mode) = 2

    • 2 is V/Hz Mode

  • F111 (Max Frequency [Hz]) = F810

  • F113 (Target Frequency [Hz]) = [User Defined]

    • The drive ramps to this value when a RUN command is initially given. Set to [F810] for motor nameplate frequency.

  • F118 (Base Frequency [Hz]) = F810


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