Can the AC890 Be Used in a Load-Sharing Application?
AC890 Load Share
This article discusses how to configure the 890 slave drive to Load Share with an 890 Master drive.
890 drives and the DSELite software package.
For the drives operating in the Closed Loop Vector mode, configure the 890 Master Drive so the parameters SPEED DEMAND and TORQUE DEMAND are connected to Analog Outputs. These outputs will be connected to the Slave Drive, Analog Inputs. See Figure 1.
For the drives operating in the open loop V / Hz mode, configure the 890 Master Drive so the parameters SPEED DEMAND and MOTOR CURRENT % are connected to Analog Outputs. These outputs will be connected to the Slave Drive, Analog Inputs. See Figure 2.
Configure the 890 Slave Drive according to the configuration shown below. Add the VR (Value Writer) block as shown and enter in the proper tag number as shown. This block is located in the Block / 890 menu.
Make sure both drives are properly Autotuned if operating in the Closed Loop Vector mode.
Adjust the PID block accordingly.
Figure 1: DSELite configuration for the 890 Slave drive operating in the Closed Loop Vector Mode.
Figure 2: DSELite configuration for the 890 Slave drive operating in the V/Hz Mode.
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