890 - Interact Xpress with the AC890
The following two files provide an example of how to configure a Parker Interact Xpress HMI project and a Parker AC890 drive to achieve communications and allow for data transfer. The attached examples make use of the generic Modbus Ethernet driver. This sample will work with either the 8903/IM card or 8903/LN card installed in the AC890.
For help setting up Modbus on the AC890, open DSE890 or DSE Lite and click Help > LINKnet Support for 890 > Product Manual. For help setting up Modbus on an Xpress HMI, open Xpress Manager and click Help > Interact Xpress CommServer Help.
AC890 to Xpress via Modbus Ethernet
Thanks to our distributor Olympus Controls for this contribution.
[QuickLink for the 890 on Parker.com] - Manual, QuickStarts, Product Support, etc
glh Feb-2013
17DEC2020 DCLIFFE - Migrated from old FAQ site.