Where Do I Find Default Configurations?
Choose file, New, 890
Select Firmware version (Templates for older firmware revisions are also listed)
You should only install templates for the firmware version in the inverter (Attempts to load incorrect firmware version may damage equipment)
The template may not be a later revision level than the installed firmware
Version 1.x is for Induction motors only [Obsolete]
Only v1.7 and v1.9 templates are availableÂ
Version 2.x is for Servo motors only [Obsolete]
Only v2.3 and v2.4 templates are available
Version 3.x is for Servo Induction motors and is used for most applications
Many templates are available for best results use the latest version
Version 4.x is for CAMMING applications only [Obsolete]
Only one template available
Version 5.x is for GRID TIE applications only
5.1, 5.2, and 5.3 templates are available
Select the MACRO for DEFAULT or for AFE application
Customize the configuration to meet your application needs
How to determine what firmware your 890 is, see this FAQ.
[QuickLink for the 890 on Parker.com] - Manual, QuickStarts, Product Support, etc
[QuickLink for the 890PX on Parker.com] - Manual, QuickStarts, Product Support, etc
13SEP2016 LS
14May19 JD