Gearhead Specs - Mounting Kit Standard Motor Shaft Diameters

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Below are the standard motor shaft diameter ranges for each series and frame size Parker Bayside gearhead.  We can accommodate slightly larger maximum shaft diameters than the ones shown by boring the input pinion on the gearhead to fit the larger motor shaft size.  This operation requires a custom gearhead quote, which needs to be requested by your Parker Technology Center (distributor).

Model Numbers                          Minimum Dia. [mm]                      Maximum Dia. [mm]

PS/PX/RS/RX 60                                            5                                                       14

PS/PX/RS/RX 90                                          6.35                                                    19

PS/PX/RS/RX 115                                        9.53                                                    24

PS/PX/RS/RX 142                                      15.88                                                    32

PS/RS 180                                                  15.88                                                    48

PS/RS 220                                                    24                                                       55

PV40/PV17                                                    3                                                        9

PV60/PV23                                                  6.35                                                    14

PV90/PV34                                                   8                                                        19

PV115/PV42                                                11                                                       24

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