Backing Up 6000 Programs

Related FAQs:

Video: How to Use Motion Architect to Upload/Download to 6000 series

VIDEO: Zeta6000: How to upload & download using MotionPlanner

RS232 Troubleshooting for 6K / 6000 Products

Battery Replacement for 6K & 6000 Series Products

USB-to-serial Adapters with Motion Architect


To back up a 6000 program:

  1. Enter the Terminal in Motion Architect.

  2. Type "!K" and hit ENTER to kill any programs running.

  3. Type "STARTP" and hit ENTER.

  4. Record the response (should be in the form of "*STARTP xxxx" where "xxxx" is the name of your power-up program.

  5. Go to the "Transfers" menu and select "receive motion programs".

  6. Select all of the programs in the upload box. Then select a name for the .PRG file.

  7. Open the .PRG file you just created.

  8. Look through your setup program to see if you are using scaling. If you are, you will see a "SCALE1" command somewhere in your code. If you are using scaling:

Copy the scaling parameters:



and paste them above your program before the first "DEL xxxx" statement.

  1. After the last "END" statement, place the statement "STARTP xxxx" that you recorded from Step #4.


Note: SCLMAS is not used for every application. It is used to scale the master encoder for following/gearing applications.