Auto-Load Operating System At Startup

Auto-Load Operating System At Startup

In Windows95/3.1, you can configure the system to load the AT6nn0 operating system upon startup of the computer by placing the AT6nn0.exe files in your Autoexec.bat file. Here are a few steps create this feature:

  1. Enter DOS

  2. Go the the Root directory (e.g. C:\)

  3. Type EDIT AUTOEXEC.BAT to edit this file.

  4. Add the command line:

C:\AT6400\AT6400.EXE \AT6400\AT6400.OPS /PORT=768

the C:\AT6400\AT6400.EXE is the location of the .EXE file. If you are using an AT6450 or another AT product, you need to change AT6400\AT6400 to AT6450\AT6450.

the \AT6400\AT6400.OPS is the location of the .OPS file. Again, if you are using an AT6450 or another AT product, you need to change AT6400\AT6400 to AT6450\AT6450.

The /PORT=768 is the card address. You may have to change the 768 to match your card address.

  1. Save the changes to AUTOEXEC.BAT and exit. The next time you power up, the operating system should load automatically.

WindowsNT does not have an autoexec.bat file, and so accomplishing the autoload requires a new executable. There is a file specifically written for this task, and it can be downloaded from our website. The file is called ATforNT.zip and is located under the 6000 Support and Sample Files. Unzip this file, read through the readme.txt and go through the configuration.

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