Troubleshooting Distributed Clock Out of Sync Error

For Distributed Clock Synchronization (DC_Clock_Sync) errors, this indicates the EtherCAT task is taking longer than your DC Clock setting.  You can view the time the EtherCAT task takes online. A good starting value for a typical size program is 4000us (4ms). This really depends upon how the program is written and how many programs you're running on the EtherCAT task and how efficient/compact your code is.

Then once you know the max cycle time, set the Interval in the EtherCAT Master to double it (in us).  This should already be set to External:

This setting is dependent upon on how big the project is. 

For any lower priority tasks, such as visualizations, field bus communications, etc., you can put those in a slower task to minimize processor load and set to a lower priority, such as the VISU_TASK above. Priority 0 is the highest priority level and 31 is the lowest.

If the drives are faulted, an MC_Reset will need to be done on those axis to clear the fault before re-initializing the drives/motors.

