Kill All Moves and Stop All Moves Request

The Kill All Moves Request and Stop All Moves Request Master Control Flag functions have changed in Firmware Version 1.17.05 and above.

The Kill All Moves Request Flag was cleared by processor acknowledgement in Firmware Version previous to 1.17.05. This would allow a buffered move or new move command to be executed as soon as the Kill All Moves flag cleared.

The function of this flag was changed so when the Kill All Moves Flag was set, no moves would be allowed to be buffered in this master until the flag is cleared by the user.

To allow both types of function to be allowed for the Kill All Moves flag, the Enable Clear Request bit was added to the Secondary Master Flags in Firmware Version 1.17.05.

When this flag is cleared (default setting) the Kill All Moves flag must be cleared by user. If this flag is set, the Kill All Moves flag will be self clearing. See Master Flags (BIT512-BIT767) and Secondary Master Flags (BIT2048-BIT2303) in the Acroloop User's Guide for specific bit numbers.

If you are using a program that was written using Version 1.17.05 or below and using the Stop All Moves Request flag or the Kill All Moves Request flag and want this program to operate without modification you have to SET the Enable Clear Request bit for all Master Profiles in use.