ACR Homing Success / Failure Flags

Products: ACR9000, 9030,9040,9600,9630,9640

The behavior of the Found Home and Failed to Find Home Flags was updated in firmware version x.29. The value of the flags are no longer cleared by subsequent moves by the axis or other axes on that master.

Firmware versions 1.29 (2.29 for 96xx's) and later

The Quinary Axis Flags "Home Move Found Home" and "Home Move Failed To Find Home" flags remain latched after the completion of a JOG HOME command.  The flags are not cleared until the next JOG HOME command is issued for that axis.

Firmware versions 1.28 (2.28 for 96xx's) and earlier:

The Quinary Axis Flags "Home Move Found Home" and "Home Move Failed To Find Home" flags will only show homing success or failure temporarily.

These bits are automatically cleared by commanded motion on that axis OR any other axis attached to the same trajectory Master. This "commanded motion" includes interpolated moves (MOV), jogging (JOG FWD/REV/INC/ABS), camming (CAM ON), and gearing (GEAR ON).

updated 18-Feb-2013 jw