How Much Memory Does My ACR Controller Have?

Many of the ACR controllers were offered with standard memory and had an expansion memory option as a custom product. Over time, the expanded memory options have become the standard option as features were added to the firmware.


A. How to determine how much you controller has
There are two different methods of determining how much memory your controller currently has; query the controller via terminal or examine the controller physically.

Method 1: Clear the memory back to factory defaults (see another FAQ for this topic) and issue the MEM command at the system prompt (SYS). This is the required method for the ACR9000, 8020, and 1505 but will work for all ACR controllers.

Method 2: Gather information from a few of the chips on the controllers to determine the memory size.


B. Explanation for Method 2
The ACR1200, 1500, 2000, and 8010 have PROM chips for operating systems and the labels on these chips can be used to determine if you have the expanded memory option.

These chips will have the controller type, chip number, firmware revision number, and revision date printed on white adhesive labels. These are socketed and can be replaced in the field, but are not interchangeable between the standard and expansion memory units.


C. Example:




"AX" denotes "standard memory"
"BX" denotes "expanded memory"

D. Product Matrix

ACR Model

Standard Memory (AX)

Expanded Memory (BX)

ACR Model

Standard Memory (AX)

Expanded Memory (BX)


128 KB

512 KB


128 KB


1505 5

512 KB


2000 2

128 KB

512 KB

8010 3

512 KB

2 MB

8020 4

512 KB

2 MB

9000 5

1 MB



1 The ACR1200 now ships with exp. memory as default (rev 1.18.12 and up.)
2 The ACR2000 now ships with exp. memory as default (rev 1.18.00 and up.)
3 The ACR8010 now ships with exp. memory as default (ser no. 040603xxxx and up)
4 The ACR8020PCX/PSX (9-16 axis version) will have the expanded memory option.
5 The ACR1505 and ACR9000 expanded memory available as a custom product.