Tuning the Gemini in Position Mode - Commands

This is the most important term in tuning the Gemini in Position Mode. This bandwidth term is roughly equivalent to the P term in a PID system. The range is from 1 to 100 Hz.
Ringing - Decrease DPBW
Sluggish - Increase DPBW

This is the damping ratio (Zeta) of the position loop in Gemini tuning. Higher values produce a more stable position loop at the cost of response time. This is roughly equivalent to the D term in a PID tuning system. The input range on this command is from 0.5 to 2.

This is the load to rotor inertia ratio of the system. By setting this term you are changing the total gain in the system. The larger the term, the more gain. This directly affects the total gain, and has a similar effect on tuning as DPBW. The input range on this command is from 0 to 100.

Load damping refers to how much damping the mechanical load itself produces in a system. This works like the P term in a PID system but to a much lesser extent. Enter a value only when it is given from the mechanical specifications. The input range on this command is from 0 to 1.

This is the integration (I in PID) term in Gemini tuning. This is useful in systems wtih friction, and will minimize position error over time. If there is a large static friction, overshoot and instability can occur. SGINTE0 disables this term, SGINTE1 enables it all the time and SGINTE2 enables it only at the end of a move. The default is SGINTE1.