TASX Bit 11 -- Bridge Over-Temp Fault (Software)

TASX Bit 11 -- Bridge Over-Temp Fault (Software)

This fault is based on an internal “virtual thermostat” which monitors the FETs on the bridge rectifier. A mathematical algorithm evaluates the amount of time the motor is drawing more than the continuous current available from the Gemini drive (ex. 6A for a GV-U6). If the drive detects that the amplifier output exceeds 100% continuous current for longer than some allowable time (see the “Over-current vs. Time” graph under the DIFOLD command description in the Gemini Series Programmer’s Reference), the bit goes active and the drive shuts down.


  1. Issue a RESET command, then issue a DRIVE1 command. Check the TASX register to see that Bit 11 clears

  2. If RESET / DRIVE1 does not clear the bit, save or document all pertinent drive parameters, then issue an RFS command. Reload the motor configuration file for the motor being used, then repeat Step 1. If this does not clear the bit, then the unit may need to be sent in for repair.

  3. Issue a DIFOLD1 command. This command enables the “current foldback” feature in the drive. However, a drive in “foldback” mode can limit the motor’s available torque, which may increase position error and possibly cause a position error fault (TAS Bit 23 and TER Bit 12).

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