TASX Bit 20 -- Power Dissipation Circuit Active

This bit enables and latches when the power dissipation circuitry on the Gemini is activated at any point during operation. Only present in the GV(6)-L3, GV(6)-H20, GV(6)-H40, and all GT(6) drives, the power dissipation circuit activates when excessive motor bus voltage is sensed by the drive. Overly aggressive deceleration ramps or motor back-driving (aka regeneration) are typical causes. This is an indicator bit, not a fault bit. The drive will not disable when this bit is set high.


Reduce the commanded acceleration / deceleration rates of the commanded move profile. Additionally, eliminate or minimize back-driving of the motor whenever possible. Issue a DCLRLR or RESET command, enable the Reset Input, or cycle drive power to clear the error bit.