6K Software - Connection to the 6K with Visual C++
Please refer to Chapter 2 pgs 34-46 of the 6k Programmers Guide for more information about the 6k Communications Server.
This is an example of connecting to the 6k via Ethernet.
Note:The is the address of the 6k which can be found by a NTADDR command from the terminal of Motion Planner.
/*create an object variable, initialize it to an Ethernet
interface and make a connection */
Inet commserver;
commserver.CreateDispatch ("COM6SRVR.NET");
This is an example of connecting to the 6k via RS232. There is also a serial communications example on our website called WIN32SERIAL.ZIP.
/*create an object variable, initialize it to an RS-232
interface and make a connection to PC COM1 */
IRS232 MyMachine;